Every May, workshop leaders across the globe Write Around the World (WAW) and raise funds in support of Amherst Writers & Artists (AWA) and its mission.
What kind of writing experience is it?
During our two hours together in a virtual modality, we (that includes me) will write from a set of prompts. After we write, we will read our work with these guiding principles:
- Everyone’s writing, including the leaders’ is treated with equal respect and value.
- Writing is kept confidential and treated as fiction.
- Writers can refrain from reading their work aloud.
- Response to just-written work reflect what is strong and successful.
- Responses and exercises support the development of literary craft.
The Amherst Writers & Artists method was founded by author, Pat Schneider. Throughout AWA’s history, “two things have been held in balance: the writer as an artist, and the use of writing as a methodology to empower the under-served.”
Years ago, the Amherst Writers & Artists method transformed my life. And because of that, I trained to become an AWA leader, and led workshops in my home. As I consider next steps nearing completion of my MFA degree in Creative Writing and Environment from Iowa State University, I am launching community-based writing workshops in Ames, Iowa. This is one of them.
Reminder: this workshop will be held virtually. Click here to register. (Scroll towards the bottom for registration link.)
I have been feeling blocked creatively with my writing for a long time and struggled with the feeling that I have so much to say, but feeling as if there was a huge mental block standing in my way paralyzing me. Due to the supportive environment and structure of Ana’s workshop, I was able to get past these blockages for the first time and access my writer’s voice, and I felt like I accessed my authentic self through the writing workshop.
~Daniela M. Mt. View, California